Frequently asked questions
Phone: 215.968.1393 (To expedite your call, please have your LSAC account number available.)
Hours: March through August, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (ET); September through February, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ET).
For more technical support information visit LSAC technical support.
If you need assistance with your account (i.e., you forgot your username or password) email website administrator for problems with your account.
Sue Trimble
Newtown PA 18940
Fax: 215.968.1374
Vivian Bowden
Phone: 215.968.1297
(placeholder text)
(placeholder text)
(Placeholder text) LSAC uses/shares only username and password credentials with sites like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Work, or other social accounts. No biographical or other data is shared across these sites, therefore LSAC does not receive or store any data, other than log in credentials, from these sites.
(Placeholder text) Signing into LSAC with your credentials (username, password) from these other accounts is completly safe and secure.
If your account is not yet setup in the system, you may get an "Email address does not exist" message. This message will display links to help you retrieve your Username from existing LSAC accounts such as LSAC JD Acccount or LSAC LLM & Other Law Programs account. You may click one of these links and follow the steps from there.
If you are still having issues you can contact LSAC Technical Support. Please see Help Center issue #1 for contact information.
If your account is not yet setup in the system, you may get an "Email address does not exist" message. This message will display links to help you retrieve your Password from existing LSAC accounts such as LSAC JD Acccount or LSAC LLM & Other Law Programs account. You can click one of these links and follow the steps from there.
If you are still having issues you can contact LSAC Technical Support. Please see Help Center issue #1 for contact information.